Are you starting a new business?
Have you decided which type of business to launch?
Are you going to be a Sole Owner? A Corporation? A LLC? A Partnership?
Click the link to the right for a summary of the various business types of entities.
After you've decided which entity type to select you need to register your business with the state. You can do it yourself or hire someone. I can help you with your state registration and my rates are much lower than what a lawyer would charge.
If you register as a corporation you can elect to be a C Corporation or a S Corporation. Those distinctions relate to how you file your business's income taxes. I can help you make that decision.
If you prefer to be a sole owner (or sole practitioner) no state registration is required. But if you're interested in a trade name it should be registered with the state. It's called a Fictitious Name registration. I can help with that registration too.
The state charges fees for the initial registration. For corporations, the fee is charged each year thereafter. Fictitious name registrations pay an initial fee to register and are renewed every 5 years.